Campground Policies

Need to Know

Please note that the following policies are subject to change at any time. 

Seasonal camping fees

The basic seasonal charge covers usage of your site and other facilities by you, your spouse and children under 19. Others may be included on your registration form but additional charges will apply. For example, others may purchase a day use seasonal pass for $85 plus HST per family or an overnight seasonal pass for $140 plus HST per family. Ask at the store for details. Seasonal fees are for the period Victoria Day long weekend in May to Thanksgiving long weekend in October.

1. Each seasonal fee includes 1 trailer only per site
2. An additional tent can be put up on your site for short term use but it must be taken down when you are not present
3. To reserve your site a deposit of 50% of the annual rental fee is due by March 15th each year
4. Balance in full is due by May 15th
5. Overdue accounts are subject to a 2% charge per month along with a $10.00 administration fee

Seasonal campsites must be actively used which means that they must be opened up by June 1st each year (e.g., tarps removed, campsites cleaned and organized) and closed (e.g., winterized, items stowed away) by October 15th of each year. And they must be maintained throughout the season. 

Campsites that are not actively used will be considered inactive and the seasonal campsite privileges may be revoked. 


All visitors must stop at the store and register before entering. If you wish to pay the registration fee for your visitors then please make arrangements at the store. Remember, you are responsible for your guests and if they do not register and pay the fee then you will be required to do so. Please remind them and ask them if they had registered. The fee is $7/adult per day or $14.00/person for overnight stays.

Winter storage and trailer usage

1. Winter storage charges are for your camping trailer and one boat if you choose. 
2. Additional charges will apply to additional trailers $175.00/season and additional boats $35.00/season.

Seasonal campsite use

Seasonal campsites must be active and used throughout the season. This means that the campsite must be opened up when the park opens each year (e.g., tarps removed, campsite lawns raked and organized) by June 1st, and closed when the park is closing each year (e.g., winterize trailers, store items away for the winter months) by Thanksgiving weekend.

Sites that are not actively in use will be considered inactive and the seasonal site may be revoked. 

Boat fee

1. Boat fees are for the use of the boat launch only. Shore line docking is allowed in the boat launch area but please give right away to the established campers. It is best to trailer your boat and return it to your site if possible.
2. During winter months your boat must be stored at your campsite and not in the boat launch area.

Additions, storage sheds and decks


Established additions are charged an annual fee. No other additions are allowed.

Storage sheds are not to exceed 8 ft. x 6 ft. and must be constructed from new building material. All decks must be built using new lumber. No pallets allowed.

2. Please note: Absolutely no construction projects without contacting us in advance. This includes decks, storage sheds and trailer covers.

Animal deterrents and/or animal traps

The use of animal traps and/or any chemicals/poisons for animal control on or around your campsite is not permitted.

Please take precautions in your camping trailers and sheds to reduce the opportunities for any mice or small animals from entering. Wire mesh and spray foam are great to help plug any holes or openings you may have, and there are many creative ways to deter mice from your trailers.
Animal traps outside of your trailer and chemical poisons anywhere on your campsite are dangerous to people, children and other animals in the park.

Drinking water

Drinking water can be accessed at the water tap at the pump-house, near the cottages or at the tap near the park store. The water comes from a well that is tested regularly. Please sanitize your hands before and after use.

Electrical Power Hookups

If your site has electrical service, please ensure all unnecessary appliances are shut off before leaving the park. This includes air conditioners, electric heaters etc.



Generators are to be used to charge the batteries in your trailers only. We are asking that you only run your generator between 9am-12pm and 5pm-8pm once in a day (not continuously each day between these periods, and only to charge your batteries when required).

In the past we have had issues with generators disrupting campers. If your generator is loud, please consider replacing it. We will communicate complaints with you if they occur.




All dogs must be kept on a leash and are not allowed in the beach or playground areas at any time.

If you own a dog, you must fill out a Dog Registration form and return it to the store. Please clean up after them.

Firewood and campfires

1. Due to the possibility of introducing foreign insects onto our property we cannot allow the bringing in of your own firewood, pallets or other scrap wood products.
2. Firewood is available to purchase at the store. The nearby forest is private property and the taking of wood products from these areas is not allowed. You can purchase your wood by the cord if you desire and delivery to your site will be arranged. Please place all wood orders one week in advance if possible. Cash and Carry of bundled wood is available at the store during open hours. All campfires must be completely extinguished before leaving your site and please do not leave campfires unattended.


1. All garbage must be bagged and placed in the dumpster bin near the store.
2. We can only accept normal household garbage and no other items.
3. Please recycle and check at the store for recycling information
4. If you have large items to dispose of then please take them home with you.

Site maintenance and neatness

1. Lawn and site maintenance on your lot is your responsibility. Park staff will cut grass on any uncut sites and you will be charged accordingly.
2. All items on your site are to be stored either in your trailer or in an approved storage shed. If you don’t use it then take it home.

Annual inspections will be done and you will given a notice to remove these surplus items.

Selling your trailer

Please remember that your trailer, along with all items on your campsite, are yours and you are responsible for them when you choose to end your seasonal camping with us. This applies regardless of where/how the trailer and items were purchased (i.e., if you purchase an existing trailer in our park on a site from a previous owner, you acquire all of the items on that site and they are your responsibility to be removed from the park). Be aware that none of the sites are permanent, and it is your responsibility to remove all additions, decks, sheds, roofs and other existing items when you leave.

If you would like to sell your trailer and END your time as a Seasonal Camper with us:

  • Your trailer and all site contents must be removed from the park. This includes all additions, sheds, decks etc.
  • You can not place your trailer for sale in the park or advertise it for sale without informing the park staff and confirming that all contents will be removed from the park upon sale.
  • Seasonal fees must be paid in full and your account in good standing.
  • Even though the trailer is for sale, the seasonal fees still apply, and must be paid as long as the trailer remains on the site.

If you would like to sell your trailer and REMAIN a Seasonal Camper with us:

  • Please contact us to let us know you will be replacing your trailer.
  • Please note the trailer you are bringing in to the park must be approved by the park management and must be in good condition and a newer model (priority is for trailers 10 years old or newer but accommodation can be made for trailers that are in good condition).

Age of Trailers

The age and condition of trailers being brought to the park for seasonal campsites are important, as older trailers have lead to issues including site abandonment in the past. As such, newer trailers are being prioritized (e.g., 10 years old or newer) and all trailers must be approved by park management before they are brought in to the park.


Absolutely no firearms allowed on the property. This includes BB and pellet guns, or anything that may be mistaken for a real firearm.

Supervising children

1. Safety is our #1 priority. We ask that all parents supervise their children at all times. Remember you are responsible for their safety at all times. This includes the swimming and boat launch areas.
2. No person 18 years or younger will be permitted to stay at the park without their parents being present.


Everyone 18 years old or younger must be on a registered campsite supervised by adults before 11:00 pm.

ATV’s and Mini Bikes

1. No ATV’s or mini bikes are allowed in the park.

Quiet Time and Alcohol

1. Quiet time is 11:00 p.m. Please respect your neighbour.

Alcoholic beverages and cannabis are to be confined to a registered campsite only, and are not permitted at common areas in the park including the beach, boat launch and/or play structure area.

The park follows the same rules as provincial parks in Ontario for smoking and/or vaping. Smoking and/or vaping is allowed in the park, but is not allowed at the following locations:

  • Sporting areas and designated swimming areas, including the beach, beach volleyball areas, and boat launch and 20m surrounding it
  • Play structure area, including 20m surrounding it
  • Under any shelter with a roof, including the play park and beach
  • It is not permitted to walk on any nature trails with a lit cigarette
  • Please be considerate of your neighours. Any complaints and/or concerns will be communicated.
  • The consumption of alcohol and/or cannabis before driving any motorized vehicle and/or boat will not be tolerated. The same rules apply inside the park as outside the park. Police will be notified if there are any concerns of impaired driving in and/or out of the park.

Picnic Tables

Each site will be given one picnic table. If you require an extra table they will be available to purchase or rent. Please do not exchange tables or take any tables from other sites throughout the campground. If you feel you need a new table just ask and we are happy to take care of it.

Trailer Holding Tanks and Pump Outs

1. All trailers using their water systems must have a drum installed to catch all grey and black water. We can provide these drums for you to install or installation can be arranged.
2. Pump Outs will be done on Tuesdays each week. If you require pumping on Tuesdays you must inform the store by Sunday evening.
3. 45 gallon pump outs on Tuesdays for a fee
4. Emergency pump outs will be charged an additional $30.00
5. If you dump your own tanks at our dumping station a fee of $5.00/dump will apply. Please be honest.

Emergency services

1. In case of an emergency, call 911.
The park information is:
Thompson’s Black Rock Park
745 Black Rock Lane, Clayton
A telephone is available to use in the Park Office if needed.
Please inform park staff of the situation as they can help direct emergency responders within the park

Other information

1. All articles left on our premises throughout the year are left at your own risk and management assumes no responsibility for loss or damage which may occur due to natural or unnatural causes. Make sure you carry insurance to cover any losses which could occur.
2. If you have any concerns please express them to the store staff and they will make sure someone contacts you to solve any conflicts.